
Beatboxing + Harmonica = Awesome

I was blown away a few years ago when a friend first showed me a Rahzel CD, in which the rap star sang and laid down a beatbox at the same time.

Shortly afterward, my Japanese linguistics professor introduced me to Tuvan throat singing when he lent me a CD of Ondar. Tuvan throat singers can articulate up to three distinct musical tones at the same time (i.e. harmonize with themselves while laying down a beat).

Except for those two incidents, I haven't really heard of too many innovative ways to use one's mouth to create amazing sounds. That is, until a few minutes ago when I saw a video of a guy named Yuri Lane, ostensibly Israeli but apparently living in New York.

He's just incredible.

Go hear his stuff for yourself at his website at http://www.yurilane.com/home.html. He has lots of multimedia up, including video clips and streaming audio so you can hear his work.

And check out the video I saw below! You'll need the Shockwave Flash plugin.