
My own little business

I have recently been making efforts to turn my freelance translating/teaching into a proper if tiny business. I will soon start designing a website, which ought to help me brush up on my very rusty network/web design skills. I also had some business cards, so I thought I would share them with my online readers. The cards are double-sided, with English being on one side and Japanese on the other.

This is a different topic altogether, but I was searching Google for my name, and found the following post that I made to Ask a Scientist website over ten years ago. I didn't even realize that I was using the internet ten years ago! Here is the page, and here is what I had written:
My name is Jeremy Bailey, and I am a student of Dorseyville Middle School. I have been working on a science project about Venus' Fly Traps. A recent addition to the project involved designing an experiment about something I found interesting about them. However, I don't know where to get them or how to grow them in the moderate climate of Pittsburgh. Also, I don't know how a successful experiment could be designed.
I ended up getting the Venus Fly Trap with my dad from Hechinger near Ross Park Mall. I couldn't find many live insects to feed to it, and it started to look sickly after a few weeks, so I decided to feed it peanut butter so it could have some protein, which ended up killing it.

Although I have never realized it until this moment, I have a long and colorful history with inadvertently killing plants by feeding them strange things. For example, I also did a PJAS experiment when I was in junior high school, where I fed blueberry juice, cranberry juice, orange juice, and water to bean plants in order to see which produced the healthiest plants. As I recall, the acidity of the juice weakened all but the control group (i.e. water), and I even managed to cultivate a thick covering of white mold on all the experimental groups. Perhaps these early failures in botany, along with lots of sunburns incurred while running a weeding/landscaping business as a teenager, are some unconscious factors behind my lack of enthusiasm for the garden in our home.

Today is rainy, and Anna went to get a haircut and a straight perm.