
Dirk and Lura will visit Japan!

Anna's father Dirk and his girlfriend Lura will be visiting Japan for about three weeks, from March 22 through April 6. Anna and I are really happy that they will be able to make it before we head back to the states in July. Unfortunately, we will both have to work for at least half of their visit, so we'll attempt to take vacation time (paid in her case but unpaid in mine) in order to take them around to some interesting spots, and perhaps we'll send them on a few trips by themselves. We are planning some interesting things for them, including various tours and a sampling of various kinds of Japanese cuisine. It's hard to plan such a large-scale visit though, so we will have to consult some travel guides for advice.

Will post more details on and pictures of their visit as they become available!

Shu Dar visits my blog from Berlin!

Recently it seems nobody at all has been reading my blog. I guess I should upload some more pictures to spruce up my sleep-inducing prose.

Shu, thanks for visiting!