
Translation Rant

Okay, so two nights ago (i.e. before I wrote the post yesterday) I had stayed up until 5:00 AM working on the translation, and I ended up passing out for most of the day and not getting anything done.

So I started hauling ass early today to make up the lost time, and I came across this beauty:
Those of you who don't read Japanese (which will be a vast majority) may not understand it, but do you notice that the phrase "アジア太平洋地域" appears four times in one sentence?? It means "Asia-Pacific region." The phrase is relevant in the context of the memo I'm translating, but why would anybody ever have to use the same word four times in one sentence?? Hasn't the author ever heard of a pronoun? They have them in Japanese too, ya know...

And that's a freaking long sentence...grumble grumble...