
Still plugging away...

So this translation feels like it is never going to end, but I have an entertaining example that illustrates both the characteristic repetitive nature of Japanese mission statements and the inadequacies of machine translation systems (which I use from time to time as reference):

I plugged in "大学管理運営幹部特別研修," which became "University management management management special study." I can't blame the program though, as "管理," "運営," and "幹部" all really mean "management." So why did the author have to say it three times in a row? I guess we have something similar in English in the phrase "administrative management."

My best literal translation would be "special traning of university headquarters' administative management," but I decided to cut it down to "special training for university administrators" considering the context.

::Exhaused but nostalgic sigh::

"Management management management" reminds me of my old job as an intern, where a coworker's attempt to translate a PowerPoint slide about techniques for evaluating suppliers resulted in the word "Ram" appearing randomly and nonsensically all over the page. (^o^)


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